Live Chat Recap

Hello and welcome to another recap of the VOLCANO eCigs live video chat. 

First off, I would like to thank everyone for coming. We had over 60 people join us today for the ecigarette chat which will be coming back more regularly, but more about that in a minute. You guys are the reason we are here and you guys make the VOLCANO ecigs Ohana what it is today. 

:!: Chat is Back

That's right! We will now be having the chat on a regular basis again. It won't be every week like before but now it will be once a month. The date will not be set in stone for a regular day every month like the first Thursday or something. But we will give you all heads up on when it will be. So please keep an eye on the update threads in the ecigarette forum and on all our social network pages. 

:!: New ecigarette TV Commercial

Have you seen our newest TV ad yet? If not please check it out on our blog, or on our YouTube page. If you like it, please 'Like' and share it with your friends on your social pages. 

:!: New ecigarette stores opening soon In Hawaii-

  • Ewa Beach ecigarette Vapor Cafe grand opening will be June 15th, with a soft opening about a week before.
  • Ward Warehouse ecigarette retail store next week sometime.
  • Wahiawa ecigarette Vapor Cafe.

eCigarette stores opening on the Mainland-

  • Fort Myers, FL
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Newport Center Mall, NJ
  • Englewood, FL

If you are in or around the area that one of these ecigarette stores are opening up and have a store account with us you should be receiving an email about the store opening a little while before they open. 

:!: Website issues. 

Have you been having issues logging into the ecigarette store site? Well, the issues should now be fixed with the latest update we just finished yesterday. But if you are still having issues please contact our CS team and they will gladly help you out and get things fixed up for you.

:!: Instagram 

Are you on Instagram? Well now VOLCANO eCigs is. You should join us and share your ecigarette photos of your gear with us. just hashtag us. #volcanoecigs
If we like what we see we just may share it on our main page of the Facebook page

:!: New eLiquid Flavors. 

We just release 2 new eliquid flavors today. Ono Orange Cream and Hana Honeydew. Stop by the site and pick up these two great new flavors. 

Along with these two new e-liquid flavors, we will also be releasing 2 more new flavors next week. We can't tell you what they are yet, but you will probably want them as well. 

:!: eLiquid Flavor of the Week

Do you love the e-liquid FotW? Since we started doing it it as always been done in alphabetical order, well we dicided to change it up and it's now done in random order. So please check out the site and all our social pages on Mondays to see what the new eliquid flavor of the week is.

:!: Next Months Chat. 

You are really going to want to be here for next months chat. We are announcing major changes to the ecigarette kits. Many upgrades and such. If you love the kits now you are gonna be amazed at how we make them even better. So please make sure you are here for the next chat. We will announce the date when the date gets closer. 


1) Joeythemadscientist

2) Solarix

3) joftinac

Congrats to the winners of the ecigarette trivia. I made the questions pretty tough this time. Your Google Fu is very good. 

Till next month, thanks you all, and happy vaping. You all are amazing, and for those that missed chat or missed something in the chat you are welcome for the recap.