The Vaping Noob's Guide to eCigarette Batteries


The Difference Between Automatic & Manual Batteries

When it comes to switching to ecigs, one main thing that you will have to decide upon is the type of battery that you will be using. It will either be a manual battery or an automatic battery. This of course is a very important choice because it is what powers your ecig and will determine how long you can go between charges and how thick and warm the clouds of vapor will be that your device can produce.

Below we will outline for you the key differences between the three different types of ecig batteries so that you can make the choice that is right for your vape.




The Different Types of Battery Chemistries:

Lithium Ion (Li Ion): needs a protection circuit to ensure safety

Lithium Iron Phosphate (LifePo4): chemically safe

Lithium Manganese (LiMn or IMR): chemically safe (the type of batteries which VOLCANO uses)

*The chemical combination of LiMn and LifePo4 batteries will prevent venting with flames in the event of a catastrophic failure, while Li Ion batteries actually contain an oxidizer, which will produce its own oxygen to support combustion if the battery overheats

Battery Characteristics & Lifespan:

The difference between battery capacity and voltage confuses new vapers in the beginning. The capacity of an ecigarette’s battery is measured in mAH (milli amp hours). The higher the mAH rating your battery has simply means it will last longer on a charge and will have a higher capacity than a battery with a lower mAH.

Ecigs with automatic batteries can usually put out 3.7 volts. Say you have two batteries that both put out 3.7 volts, but one only has 600mAH while the other has 1100mAH. Both will output the same voltage, but the 1100mAH will simply last longer than the 600mAH.

If you want to read more about volts, mAH, and other electrical terms and what they mean for your vape, click here. For more info on variable voltage and wattage for LAVATUBE users and how it affects your battery life click here.

It is difficult to tell a vaper exactly how long their vape will last, because every person vapes differently. But the life of your battery does depend on these few factors:

  • The voltage you are using (applies to variable voltage batteries only)
  • How well you maintain your battery
  • How well you maintain your device
  • How you use your device
  • The battery size and brand that you use (always use a battery that your ecig manufacturer suggests)
  • Your cartomizer / clearomizer (new or old)

To ensure you are taking the proper steps tousing and caring for your products, check out all of our tips and tricks located in our Knowledge Base >

How To Increase Your Battery Lifespan:

  1. Keep your cells clean at all times.
  2. When storing your batteries, keep them in a case in a clean and dry area.
  3. Inspect your batteries and make sure the outer covering isn’t wearing down or damaged, especially with the contact parts on both ends.
  4. If using multiple batteries, number them and use them in rotation. This will ensure that your batteries wear out evenly.
  5. When you buy a new battery, charge it before using.

For more tips on Battery Care, click here.

Tips on Charging Your Battery Safely:

  1. Always only use a charger that is designed specifically for the battery. If you are unsure, always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  2. Do not charge your batteries if you are not home, overnight, or unattended.
  3. Monitor your charging. If it is getting too hot, not just warm—unplug the charger right away and remove the batteries from the charger. In a safe manner, find out what may be causing the overheating.
  4. Make sure you charge your batteries somewhere so it is away from flammable items. Like on an empty/open kitchen counter.
  5. Never charge batteries on the same charger if they are composed of different chemicals. For example charging a LiMn battery with a Li Ion is a BIG no-no!
  6. This also goes for batteries with different voltages; do not charge them on the same charger.
  7. Don’t charge batteries from different manufacturers at the same time on the same charger.
  8. Always remove batteries once fully charged. Leaving a battery on a charger for too long can diminish its lifespan and if you do not have a protected battery can lead to overcharging and explosions.

And when your battery has lived a full life and has decided to retire, don’t just throw it in the trash—because that’s bad for our environment. Recycle it instead! Click here to read up on how to properly dispose of your old batteries.