UK Studies Show That Electronic Cigarettes Are Two Times As Effective As Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)

Recent studies completed from the Queen Mary University of London has shown that compared to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), which is the use of nicotine patches or gum, electronic cigarettes are twice as effective for smokers staying abstinent from cigarettes.

The study conducted by the Queen Mary University of London results show that 18% of participants that were given a four-week behavioral class along with various vaping products were able to remain cigarette smoke-free after a year compared to the group that was given NRT, patches and gum, that results show that only 10% of their participants were able to remain smoke free after a year. 

Due to previous e-cigarette studies that used an older model of an e-cigarette, one that delivered poor nicotine, medical professionals were skeptical over which method was more effective between NRT or electronic cigarettes. Due to new vaping technology and this recent UK study, results conclude that e-cigarettes have a better conversion rate for smokers looking to make the change and stay smoke-free.

One unique thing about the Queen Mary Study is that the participants were allowed to try different vaping products to figure out which ones they like best. In the EU they have imposed regulations and laws that limit nicotine strengths and cartridge size to prevent overdose and toxicity. These limitations were based off inaccurate assessments on the toxicity of nicotine. Other countries that do not follow these laws have not run into any problems with the available vaping products on the market.

The Queen Mary study will challenge policymakers to reassess, if the restrictions on nicotine and cartridges were lifted would the likelihood of e-cigarette efficacy increase. The participants in this study stated that the vaping products they used were less satisfying than real cigarettes, but more satisfying than the NRT patches and gum. Due to the strength limitations laws, the consumer may not be getting a sufficient nicotine puff to satisfy their needs. This creates a “hassle factor,” which makes it harder for the consumer to use the product. “An issue that is rarely discussed is that some smokers actually enjoy smoking.” Read more here.

From the previous studies that showed little difference between NRT and electronic cigarettes,  medical practitioners were reluctant to recommend switching to vaping to their patients. According to Peter Hajek, the study author, this is “likely to change” due to their recent findings.

Vaping was designed to be a pleasure experience, it allows the consumer to still enjoy the act of  smoking but in a way that is better for their health.