Vaping Is Safer Than Smoking Says Long Term Study


Research Shows Vaping Is A Safer Alternative To Smoking


In regards to known cancer causing chemicals in tobacco cigarettes, vaping may be a safer option states a recently published study (via ScienceDaily). By analyzing the urine of participants, those who were long-term vapers (at least six months) had much lower levels of carcinogens in their body compared to those who continued smoking cigarettes, concluded scientists in a recent publication in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Read: Nicotine, Carcinogen, and Toxin Exposure in Long-Term E-Cigarette and Nicotine Replacement Therapy Users: A Cross-sectional Study

The UK scientists collected the saliva and urine from 181 participants and divided them into five groups: smokers who successfully switched to e-cigs, those using an NRT (for at least six months), current tobacco cigarette smokers, those who vape and smoke tobacco cigarettes and those who use an NRT and still smoke.


What the Findings Revealed About Vaping

The urine samples from e-cigarette users (no longer smoking at all) or were using NRTs had significantly lower levels of carcinogens and toxic chemicals in their body compared to those who were still smoking tobacco cigarettes. Showing that there is a great chance making the switch to vaping may help smokers reduce their risk for developing diseases such as lung and heart disease or lung and oral cancers.

“We’ve shown that the levels of toxic chemicals in the body from e-cigarettes are considerably lower than suggested in previous studies using simulated experiments. This means some doubts about the safety of e-cigarettes may be wrong,” stated Dr. Lion Shahab, who is the lead author of the study and the senior lecturer in the department of epidemiology and public health at UCL.

Though, the two groups who continued to smoke cigarettes while vaping or using NRTs did not show a difference in levels, indicating that a complete switch is needed in order to reduce exposure from the tobacco cigarette toxicants.

The research also found that the levels of nicotine and nicotine byproducts in the urine samples were roughly the same for all of the five groups. Essentially meaning that the participants were still getting the same amount of nicotine no matter the source.

“Our results also suggest that while e-cigarettes are not only safer, the amount of nicotine they provide is not noticeably different to conventional cigarettes. This can help people to stop smoking altogether by dealing with their cravings in a safer way,” Dr. Shahab concluded.

“This study adds to growing evidence that e-cigarettes are a much safer alternative to tobacco and suggests the long term effects of these products will be minimal,” stated Alison Cox who is the director of cancer prevention at Cancer Research UK.

“Understanding and communicating the benefits of nicotine replacements, such as e-cigarettes, is an important step towards reducing the number of tobacco-related deaths here in the UK.”